Selling Bath Salts In New York: Is It Really That Bad?

Bath salts are widely considered some of the least serious drugs in the United States. Also known as “PABS” or “monkey dust,” these drugs were originally disguised as legitimate bath salts to make them easier to distribute. Today, the authorities have caught on to this little trick – but the name stuck around. These are “synthetic cathinones” including mephedrone and methylone, and they can cause hallucinations, delusions, and erratic behaviors. Bath salts have been banned under federal drug policy since 2012, but they continue to find their way onto the streets. But what exactly is the penalty for distributing bath salts in New York?
Man Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Bath Salts Distribution
On May 23rd of 2023, it was reported that a man from Herkimer County had been sentenced to 3 years in prison for distributing bath salts. In fact, the individual was never actually caught selling these bath salts. Instead, federal agents merely raided his home and discovered a large quantity of bath salts in his possession. They subsequently accused him of “intending” to sell the bath salts. This shows that if you are caught with a certain quantity of drugs – whether they’re bath salts or something else – authorities will assume that you’re planning to distribute them.
The raid on the defendant’s home occurred in 2022, and agents recovered about 454 grams of alpha-Pyrrolidinohexiophenone (or one pound). They also discovered three digital scales and almost $20,000 in cash. In addition, agents intercepted mail-order packages that were being sent to the defendant’s home – and these packages contained more bath salts. The three-year sentence is consistent with mandatory minimums associated with the distribution of bath salts in the United States.
How Bad is this Penalty?
Relative to other drug penalties, a three-year sentence is definitely not the worst thing you can experience. Another recent story involves a man from Rome, New York who pleaded guilty to distributing fentanyl. This individual is facing up to 20 years in prison, as the state clearly takes fentanyl distribution more seriously than bath salts distribution. It’s also worth noting that due to the potency of this drug, he faces a sentence almost 7 times greater than the bath salts defendant despite possessing and purchasing just 86 grams of fentanyl.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in New York?
If you have been charged with the distribution of bath salts or any other drug, it makes sense to get in touch with a qualified, experienced New York criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Choose Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law, and you can approach this difficult situation in a confident, efficient manner. While the distribution of bath salts might not be the worst crime in the State of New York, it can still put you behind bars for years. Mitigate your legal consequences and get in touch today to get started with a solid defense strategy.