Can You Go To Jail For Dumping Trash Illegally In New Jersey?

New Jersey has some of the strictest environmental laws around, and it is famous for its various bans on plastic, idling engines, and much more. But perhaps the most frowned-upon environmental crime in the Garden State is dumping. Whether you’re dumping old batteries, radioactive material, or simply your household trash, you might want to think twice about where you toss your garbage. If you’re not careful, you could experience serious legal consequences. But how bad are these consequences? Could you really go to jail simply for dumping trash illegally in New Jersey?
“Diaper Bandit” Sought in New Jersey after Dumping Offenses
On June 27th, it was reported that a so-called “diaper bandit” was on the loose in New Jersey, having dumped a number of adult diapers and urine pads throughout Gibbstown. Other towns have allegedly been affected by this illegal dumping. The local police promised to go easy on the suspect if they turn themselves in, but promised to take more decisive action if they continue to dump illegally. They even quoted Liam Neeson’s famous monologue from the movie Taken in a social media post about the crimes.
Could You Really Go to Jail?
In all likelihood, the diaper bandit will be heavily fined – even if they continued to dump their waste without turning themselves in. Facing incarceration may be possible for dumping, however – but only under specific circumstances. One possible route to jail is to repeatedly violate dumping ordinances despite numerous warnings to stop. You may also face particularly serious consequences for dumping certain materials, such as radioactive waste, toxic items, or something equally harmful to the general public.
Littering is the disposal of small quantities of trash, and this crime will rarely result in incarceration. The most likely outcome is a fine of between $100 and $500. In rare circumstances, community service may be required. Numerous offenses within six months could potentially lead to higher fines and even a few days in jail, however.
Dumping is a much more serious offense, and it involves the disposal of larger waste quantities in an illegal manner. Because of the quantities involved, illegal dumping usually involves businesses rather than individuals. As such, it is difficult to enforce criminal penalties on these businesses for actions undertaken by employees who may be acting on orders from their superiors. Fines for dumping can reach up to $50,000, however – and people involved may lose their driving licenses.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in New Jersey?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced criminal New Jersey defense attorney, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants pursue positive results. Dumping can be a surprisingly serious crime in New Jersey, and you might need to get started with a defense strategy as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary consequences. Book your consultation today to discuss your legal options.