Defenses To Leaving The Scene Of An Accident In Bergen County

The consequences for leaving the scene of an accident in New Jersey can be severe, especially if serious injuries were involved. If you have been accused of this crime, you might be wondering how to defend yourself in the most efficient manner. The most appropriate defense strategy depends entirely on your unique circumstances, and it is difficult to determine how to approach this situation through online research alone.
You Were Not Aware of the Collision
A recent study highlighted the fact that up to 15 percent of those who leave the scenes of accidents are completely unaware of their own involvement. In other words, they did not notice that they had been involved in an accident. This is much more common than people realize, especially in the era of hands-free phone calls, loud GPS systems, and of course music. A small bump might be the only indication that a crash has occurred.
In order to face consequences for leaving the scene of an accident in New Jersey, you must have been aware of the accident. If you never became aware of the accident, it becomes very difficult for prosecutors to convict you of the crime.
You Were Trying to Pull Over in a Safe Spot
Although you are legally required to come to a complete stop after being involved in an accident, it is not a good idea to park your car in the middle of a busy road. It is equally foolish to get out of your vehicle on a highway before exchanging information with anyone else involved in your accident.
It might have seemed like you were trying to flee the accident, but you might have simply been searching for a safe place to pull over. If you were on the highway with no safe spot in sight, you might have had to drive for a few miles before finding somewhere suitable.
Mistaken Identity
Witnesses may remember car accidents with varying degrees of reliability, especially after the psychological trauma that these incidents can cause. In fact, eyewitness accounts are notoriously and demonstrably unreliable in virtually all situations – as highlighted by a number of reputable psychological studies.
Mistaken identity is a valid defense for a hit-and-run in Bergen County. Witnesses may have mistaken your vehicle for that of another driver. This may be especially common if your vehicle model or make is particularly common in the State of New Jersey.
Find a Hit-and-Run Defense Lawyer in Bergen County Today
If you’ve been looking for a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. While leaving the scene of an accident is generally viewed as a very serious crime in New Jersey, there are a number of reasons why it might have been acceptable. To determine the most appropriate defense strategy based on your unique situation, be sure to discuss the matter further during a consultation.