Do You Have To Pay Old Tickets Before Renewing Your License In New Jersey?

You may face numerous surprising barriers when you attempt to renew your driver’s license in New Jersey. One of the most common issues involves unpaid traffic tickets. You may have completely forgotten about these tickets, and perhaps you procrastinated instead of paying them. What can you do in this situation? Can you fight the tickets? Is there any way to renew your license without paying your fines? These are questions you might want to ask a traffic ticket lawyer in New Jersey.
New Jersey Man Fails to Renew License Because of 30-Year-Old Traffic Ticket
In May of 2024, a man failed to renew his license in New Jersey because of an unpaid ticket more than 30 years old. To make this situation even more complex, the traffic ticket was issued in a completely different State. While the man admits that he was probably speeding when he received the ticket, he doesn’t remember whether he actually paid the fine.
The situation became increasingly frustrating for the man, who couldn’t seem to contact the right people in Arizona. He was perfectly willing to pay the fine, but no one was willing to respond to his calls or emails. Finally, he managed to send a $100 check to Arizona – but he forgot to add a $10 processing fee. This led to further delays, but he was finally able to clear things up and renew his license. It is worth noting that one State (such as New Jersey) is federally prohibited from issuing licenses to applicants with outstanding tickets in other States (like Arizona).
This situation highlights the importance of paying off your fines as quickly as possible. If you delay, you could struggle to renew your license – even 30 years later. Of course, another option is to fight your ticket alongside an experienced traffic lawyer in New Jersey.
What Happens if I’m Gradually Paying Off My Fines?
If you have started paying off your fines but haven’t quite settled your debts yet, you should still have the right to drive and renew your license. In this case, you might want to work with an experienced traffic ticket lawyer. Your lawyer can help you convince either the court or the DMV that your license should be renewed while you pay off your fines. You may make these arguments during a hearing alongside your lawyer.
Find an Experienced Traffic Ticket Lawyer in New Jersey
If you’ve been searching for an experienced traffic ticket lawyer in New Jersey, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous drivers throughout Bergen County – including those who have long-forgotten tickets. You may have more legal options than you realize when fighting these tickets. To learn more, contact our experienced New Jersey traffic ticket lawyer today.