What Happens If You Show Police A Fake ID During Your Arrest In Bergen County?

An arrest is a daunting concept for many people. During this interaction, you may feel tempted to attempt all kinds of strategies to escape consequences. If this sounds familiar, you might have shown a police officer a fake identification card. If the police officer realizes that this identification is not legitimate, you could face potentially serious criminal charges. This was made clear after a recent incident, in which a woman showed a police officer a fake ID in Bergen County.
Woman Caught with Fake IDs and Forgery Tools in Bergen County
In late December of 2024, it was reported that a woman had been caught with multiple fake IDs and forgery tools in Bergen County. Police officers also discovered that the van she was driving had been reported stolen. This prompted a search, which uncovered multiple fake IDs in the woman’s possession. Each of these IDs bore her photograph, but with different names and addresses. More incriminating evidence was found in the form of “forgery tools,” and police did not elaborate further on the specifics. Finally, police found amphetamines in her possession.
All of this resulted in a slew of charges for the defendant, including illegal possession of drugs, fraudulent identification, and forgery tools. She was also charged with hindering apprehension and driving without a valid license.
Uttering of False Government Documents in New Jersey
In New Jersey, “uttering of false government documents” is illegal. You may face this charge if you exhibit, utter, or display some kind of fake government identification document. Examples include driver’s licenses, birth certificates, gun licenses, and so on. Prosecutors must show that you knowingly displayed a fake ID in order to convict you. They must also show that the document was, in fact, fraudulent.
What exactly does it mean to “utter” a fraudulent document? In a legal context, this means that you offered a fake ID while verbally stating it is real. For example, you might say “Here’s my driver’s license” while handing a fake ID to a police officer.
What if I Was Caught With Forgery Tools?
In New Jersey, it is also illegal to possess forgery tools. Even if you do not possess a fake ID, you could still face legal consequences for possessing the tools necessary to make fake IDs. That being said, it might be difficult for prosecutors to convict you unless you also have fake IDs in your possession. For example, a laminating device could help you create a fake driver’s license – but you might have been using this tool for a legitimate purpose. If police find the laminator next to a stack of fake IDs, however, you will likely be charged with possession of forgery devices.
Can a Defense Attorney in Bergen County Help Me?
A defense attorney in Bergen County may be able to help you fight for your rights after being caught with a fake ID. The consequences of this offense may be worse than you realize, especially if you showed your fake ID while being arrested for additional offenses. To learn more about your next steps, consider scheduling a consultation with Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law.