What Happens When You Leave The Scene Of An Accident In New Jersey?

Most motorists come to stop after a collision. They may exit their vehicles and check upon the safety of other drivers, or they may simply call the police. However, some drivers fail to stop, and this can lead to significant legal consequences. In some cases, the decision to keep driving is due to adrenaline, fear, anxiety, and other heightened emotions after a crash. Sometimes, drivers aren’t even aware that they have been involved in an accident. Whatever the case may be, you face considerable penalties if you have been charged with leaving the scene of an accident in New Jersey.
If you are facing these charges, get in touch with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Although it’s true that the penalties for this crime can be quite severe, you still have a good chance of avoiding needlessly excessive consequences if you work with a legal professional. By teaming up with the best attorney you can find, you can avoid jail time, fines, and more.
The Legal Definition of a Hit-And-Run in New Jersey
Leaving the scene of an accident is also known as a hit-and-run. New Jersey covers this topic in its motor vehicles and traffic regulation laws. Under “action in case of an accident,” the law clearly states that:
- If you were knowingly involved in an accident resulting in injury or death, you must immediately come to a stop.
- You must stop as close to the scene of the accident as possible
- You cannot obstruct traffic while stopping
- If you were involved in an accident that only involved damage to vehicles and property, you still need to stop
- After stopping, you must give your name, address, and license number to the injured person(s)
- You must also give this information to police officers and witnesses
- You must provide reasonable assistance to any injured parties, including carrying a person to a hospital
- If no police officer is present and they fail to show up, you have to report the accident to the nearest local police department
- If you struck someone else’s property (like a house or a parked car), you have to stop your vehicle and then notify the owner of the property in some way. If you cannot locate the owner, you have to write your contact information and leave it in a secure place. Alternatively, you can report the property damage to a local police department.
What are the Penalties for a Hit-and-Run?
If you violate the above laws, you can be fined up to $5,000. You may also face up to 180 days imprisonment – but only if the accident resulted in injury or death. You will also lose your driver’s license.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help with your case, reach out to New Jersey criminal defense attorney Phillip J. Murphy. With our help, you can mitigate potential legal consequences and fight for your rights in an effective manner. We can utilize a number of defense strategies to help you in this situation. Book your consultation today and we can get started right away.