What Is The Penalty For Point-Of-Sale Cyber Intrusions In New York?

These days, cyber attacks have become incredibly common. Everyone can be targeted, from major corporations to small businesses and average New Yorkers. Although there are many different types of cyber attacks, one of the most shocking is known as a point-of-sale (POS) cyber intrusion. This type of attack was recently used to target a major New York business, and the person responsible is facing many years in prison. But what might happen if you get caught carrying out this type of cyber attack?
What is a Point-of-Sale Cyber Intrusion?
A POS attack is a technique that involves targeting the point of sale and payment terminals owned by a particular business. The goal is to obtain credit card and debit card information that can be used to fraudulently transfer funds into the digital wallets of cyber criminals. Hackers may use a range of specific techniques in order to obtain this credit card information, including a combination of RAM scraping and Remote Access Trojan exporting. Known POS malware include Rdasrv, Alina, VSkimmer, Dexter, BlackPOS, FastPOS, PunkeyPOS, and more.
The process basically involved scanning through credit card data and extracting confidential card information like customer names, account numbers, expiry dates, and other data that can be used to steal money. In most cases, the malware is installed when employees use payment terminals to surf the web or check their emails.
An Example of a POS Cyber Attack in New York
On December 8th, it was reported that a hacker in Arizona had been arrested for targeting a New York-based company with POS cyber attacks. This particular company operates salons throughout New York City, New Jersey, Colorado, and other areas. The hacker was able to use his POS attack to steal more than $400,000 in fraudulent credit card transfers using the stolen data. This hacker never actually set foot inside any of the businesses, and he remained in Arizona throughout this entire period. According to the FBI:
“As alleged, the defendant hacked into the victim’s business systems and diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars to his own bank accounts. The FBI’s Cyber Task Force along with our law enforcement partners are committed to tracking down malicious hackers who target private businesses and ensuring they face the consequences for their actions. If your business is the victim of a cyber intrusion, please report it as soon as possible; the faster we are made aware, the sooner we can provide assistance.”
This individual now faces a total of 42 years in prison for various offenses, including two counts of computer fraud, one county of receipt of stolen money, one count of wire fraud, and one count of aggravated identity theft.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Defense Attorney in New York?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced New York criminal defense attorney, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. We know that being charged with cyber crimes can be very daunting, and we’re here to help you strive for the best possible outcome in a highly efficient manner. The sooner you get started with an effective defense strategy, the better. Book your consultation today and start fighting for your rights with our help.