Being Charged with Dumping Toxic Waste in New York

Sanitation is incredibly important in a densely-populated state like New York, and this is why there are such strict rules against dumping prohibited waste. Without these laws, our state would quickly become overwhelmed by individuals and companies recklessly dumping all kinds of waste wherever they pleased. But what happens if you have been charged with violating one of these laws?
If you are facing criminal charges after dumping toxic waste in the Empire State, it’s important to consult with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. These legal experts can help you avoid unnecessary legal penalties so that you can get on with your life. Whether you’re an individual or a large company that deals with waste products, a criminal defense attorney is a vital asset in your quest for justice.
The History of Dumping Laws in New York
Dumping prohibited waste has been a major issue in New York for many years. In 1983, the New York Times published an article that linked illegal dumping of toxins to organized crime in the state of New York. The article highlighted the fact that garbage companies in New York were “dominated” by organized crime. Despite bombings, bribes, and dumping toxic materials into public sewage systems, the article also stressed that few convictions or penalties resulted from these actions.
Fast forward to 2020, and the illegal dumping of toxic waste in New York was still a major issue. That year, Governor Cuomo created new legislation that put stricter penalties on individuals that illegally dumped construction debris and other hazardous materials. Cuomo was thanked by various politicians for addressing this issue, as previous criminal penalties did little to deter offenders.
What is the Penalty for Illegal Dumping in New York?
According to New York’s laws, it is unlawful for “any person, his or her agent, employee or any person under his or her control to suffer or permit any dirt, sand, gravel, clay, loam, stone, rocks, rubble, building rubbish, sawdust, shavings or trade or household waste, refuse, ashes, manure, garbage, rubbish or debris of any sort or any other organic or inorganic material or thing or other offensive matter being transported in a dump truck or other vehicle to be dumped, deposited or otherwise disposed of in or upon any street, lot, park, public place or other area whether publicly or privately owned.”
You can be arrested for this crime, and you may face a fine of up to $10,000 and jail time of up to 90 days. You may also be liable for a civil penalty, which can result in further fines.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you or your company is facing significant civil or criminal penalties as a result of dumping toxic materials in the state of New York, you need to enlist the help of an experienced, qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Reach out to New York criminal defense attorney Phillip J. Murphy and we can help you avoid unnecessary penalties.