Can A Criminal Defense Attorney Make My Charges Go Away?

If you have been charged with a serious crime, a criminal defense attorney may seem like a rare glimmer of hope in an otherwise grim situation. You may be wondering whether or not these legal professionals can actually impact your circumstances in any notable manner. Can your criminal defense attorney actually make your charges go away altogether? This is a question many individuals ask themselves after they have been charged with a serious crime. While having your legal consequences reduced or altered is definitely better than nothing, the best possible outcome is obviously to have your charges dismissed or dropped completely.
How can a criminal defense attorney accomplish this? How can you help make this happen? Well, your first step should always be to connect with the most experienced, qualified attorney you can find. When you put your case in the hands of a truly skilled criminal defense attorney, you stand a much better chance of reaching a positive legal outcome. These legal professionals can use a number of different strategies to have your charges dismissed or dropped.
An Attorney Can Attack the Evidence Laid Against You
Attacking the evidence is one of the most straightforward ways in which a criminal defense attorney can have your charges dismissed. They can do this by showing the evidence is inadmissible for a number of different possible reasons. When evidence is inadmissible, it goes against the rules set forth by the court, and it can not have an impact on your case. For example, a police officer may have used illegal methods to arrest you. In addition, the prosecution may have used unlawful methods to gather the evidence.
Your Fourth Amendment Rights May Have Been Violated
The Fourth Amendment clearly protects you against unlawful searches and arrests by the police. A classic example is if the authorities failed to get a proper search warrant before searching your house. Even if they found incriminating evidence in your home after the search, this evidence would not be admissible in court. If it is revealed that the authorities never obtained a search warrant prior to searching your home, the prosecutor will likely be forced to drop or dismiss the charges.
Your Criminal Defense Attorney Can Present Evidence of Their Own
In addition to simply attacking the evidence laid against you, your criminal defense attorney can also present evidence of their own. This evidence might contradict the prosecution’s case, throwing serious doubt on the validity of your charges. A skilled attorney will work diligently to find new evidence and use investigative methods to seek out the truth.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Defense Attorney in New Jersey Today
If you need legal assistance, reach out to New Jersey criminal defense attorney Phillip J. Murphy. With a wealth of experience in various criminal cases, we can approach your case in the most efficient way possible. We’ll work hard to get your case dismissed or dropped, depending on the factors that surround your unique situation.