New York City Judge Recommends Criminal Penalties for Judge Who Threatens to Deport Tenant

In September, for the first time, a New York judge recommended that the landlord who threatened to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) be assessed a criminal fine for violating anti-discrimination and human rights laws. Still, according to reports, there are additional legal proceedings that must occur before the judge’s recommendation goes into effect; for example, comments can be submitted to the City Commission on Human Rights and the landlord will also be allowed to file an appeal.
A number of immigrants constantly live in fear of deportation. As of January 2017, the administration expanded deportation priorities for ICE, making it easier and more likely that all immigrants – regardless of legal status – have a greater chance of being deported. The law allows for any undocumented immigrant and those with lawful immigration status who have certain criminal convictions to be deported.
If You Are Approached by Immigration Enforcement Officers
It is important that you know your rights here in New York if you are approached by an officer. Make sure that you not show invalid or false documents or sign anything without first consulting with your attorney and be aware that ICE agents will show up at residences and announce that they are the “police.” Also know that you have the right to:
- Ask whether you are free to go; before you provide them with any information, including your name
- Remain silent
- Speak with an attorney
- Document everything – take pictures, films, notes, etc.
- Show the officers a “Know Your Rights Card”
- Ask whether anyone who announces themselves at your door as the “police” if they are immigration agents and whether they have a warrant that is signed by the judge. You also have the right to see that warrant before letting them in and inform any immigration agents that you do not want to talk to them at the moment
Additional Protections Provided By New York City
The City of New York has indicated that it is committed to ensuring that everyone feels safe, regardless of immigration status. The law prohibits employees that work for the City from asking about immigration status unless that information is needed for benefits or services or unless otherwise required by law. The City also requires that immigration status be kept confidential except in very narrow circumstances were disclosure is required by law.
Contact Our New York Civil Rights Attorneys with Any Questions
If you live in New York and have been the victim of discrimination or other civil rights violations associated with the threat of deportation or otherwise, contact our experienced New York criminal defense attorneys at the office of Phillip J. Murphy today to find out how we can help.