What Happens if You Pay a Worker Less than Minimum Wage in New York?

New York’s laws are changing fast, and one of the most notable changes in the Empire State’s legislation involves the minimum wage. If you’re trying to run a business amidst the economic uncertainty of Covid-19, these changes might seem like another nail in the coffin. However, it’s important to understand how these laws might impact your business. If you fail to give your workers the new minimum wage, you could experience significant legal consequences. So what happens if you pay a worker less than the minimum wage in New York?
Before we explore this matter further, it’s worth pointing out that you can get all the help you need from a qualified criminal defense attorney if you’re dealing with this situation. Reach out to an experienced lawyer in New York, and you can approach this legal challenge with confidence and efficiency.
What is the New Minimum Wage for New York?
Along with a number of new laws taking effect in 2021, the minimum wage in New York has been raised considerably. Outside of New York City, the new minimum wage is now $12.50 an hour. In Long Island and Westchester County, the new minimum wage is now $14 per hour. In addition, employees may now be eligible for 12 weeks of paid family leave. This allows employees to take time off with their families while earning up to 67% of their normal earnings, or up to $971.61 per week.
Fast food workers in New York City are now entitled to $15 per hour. All employers in the city are required to pay employees a minimum of $15 per hour.
What Happens if I Fail to Pay My Workers the Minimum Wage?
Failing to pay your workers the appropriate minimum wage may result in a range of consequences. The New York Department of Labor will look into any reports of underpayment, and this may result in criminal prosecution and civil actions. You may be required to pay all minimum wage underpayments plus liquidated damages. In addition, you may also be required to pay your employees interest payments and civil payments. These civil payments may be up to 200% of the unpaid wages.
Other Violations
You may also face consequences if you commit other wage violations in New York. You are required to provide at least one day of rest to non-office employees per week. You might also face consequences if you fail to pay sick pay, holiday pay, bonuses, commissions, and more. Failing to pay a final paycheck on time may also result in legal action against you.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified, Experienced Attorney Today
If you need help from a skilled New York criminal defense attorney, contact Phillip J. Murphy. We are familiar with the finer details of the new minimum wage laws in New York, and we can help you mitigate any legal consequences you might be facing. There’s no sense in letting your business be damaged by a simple mistake involving wages, so reach out today and make sure you’re protecting yourself from legal action.