Monthly Archives: October 2023

Military Contractors Face Serious Consequences For Shoddy Materials
New York companies must be extremely careful when doing business with the US military. Although it’s true that the military industry offers many opportunities for lucrative contracts, businesses must do everything in their power to conduct these contracts in a fully lawful and genuine manner. There are many examples of companies that have experienced… Read More »

What Happens If You Create A “Front” Company In New York?
In the criminal world, a “front” is a company that serves only as a veil for illegal activities. The company may seem legitimate at first glance, but its operators are using the organization to conduct unlawful activities. These activities often include money laundering, fraud, and other financial crimes. So what happens if you are… Read More »

You Can Face Criminal Consequences For Charging Too Much – Or Too Little
Any economist worth their salt will tell you that prices are determined by the market forces of supply and demand. That being said, entrepreneurs are free to set whatever prices they think are appropriate. It might seem crazy to face criminal charges for setting the “wrong” prices, but there are many situations in which… Read More »

New York Cracks Down On Illegal Transport Of Aliens
The immigration crisis in the United States is eliciting a major response from authorities across the nation, and assisting aliens in any way may now lead to serious legal consequences in New York. Two recent cases show that authorities are taking active measures to stop not only the movement of aliens across the state,… Read More »

What Happens If You Spend Disability Benefits On Personal Expenses?
Many people rely on disability benefits to pay the bills, especially in an era of high living costs and rampant inflation. Due to the nature of disabilities, many individuals also rely on their caregivers to spend this money in a responsible manner. So what happens if you start spending disability benefits on personal expenses… Read More »

Can Using Artificial Intelligence Lead To Criminal Charges?
The criminal justice system is always a few steps behind technological progress, and artificial intelligence is certainly no exception. As was the case with the emergence of cryptocurrency or even early firearms, artificial intelligence is so new that the regulation of this technology is almost non-existent. That being said, it is still possible to… Read More »

The Consequences Of Trafficking Rhinoceros Horns
The trafficking of animal parts is still a very active industry, especially among those who believe that these items have medicinal value. Because of heavy regulation in the United States, those who traffic in animal parts are usually forced to engage in black-market transactions. The consequences for engaging in these activities can be severe… Read More »

What Are the Legal Consequences Of Overprescribing Controlled Substances?
In the medical world, “over-prescription” occurs when healthcare entities provide an excessively high amount of drugs to patients. These drugs may be unnecessary, or they may cause more harm than good. The opioid crisis has put this phenomenon in the spotlight, and various healthcare providers may now find themselves facing legal consequences for alleged… Read More »